Specialized Training College Students 


Application Deadline for the 2023 program

Friday, June 17
*Application must be submitted online to HEC

Application Documents

Please read the Application Guideline carefully before submitting the necessary documents.

Application Documents
※Please find the list of documents to be submitted in the Application Guidelines. 


May Announcement
The announcement of the scholarship is made through our website and HEC (Higher Education Council).
Application Screening
All applications are submitted to HEC (Deadline: End of the day on Friday, June 17)
July First Screening
Written Examination (English and Japanese) and Interview
October-November Second Screening
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) will select the candidates according to the application documents and first screening results
February 2023 Final Results
February-March Pre-departure orientation
April / September Departure for Japan